Volume 19 of IARC Handbooks on Oral Cancer Prevention has been published (29th November 2023)

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The Volume 19 of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Handbooks on Oral Cancer Prevention has been published. It brings together, for the first time, all the available evidence related to primary and secondary prevention of oral cancer. A special report published in The New England Journal of Medicine [ref. below and official translation in French as well] presents a brief overview of the studies that were reviewed and the outcomes of the evaluation process”.

Read here: https://www.nejm.org/doi/pdf/10.1056/NEJMsr2210097

French version: https://www.cancer-environnement.fr/fiches/publications-du-circ/handbooks-du-circ-prevention-cancer-cavite-buccale/

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INTERCEPTOR aims to address the challenge of generating innovative and actionable pathways by engaging with the ‘critical practice’ dimensions of transformation.

A ‘critical practice’ approach explores transformation processes in practice across different dimensions which include research, policy, business, community and individual practices.

Action Contacts

Prof. Pierre Saintigny
Action Chair
+33(0)4 69 85 60 97

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Action Vice Chair

COST Contacts

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Science Officer

Ms Carmencita Malimban
Administrative Officer


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